We are trusted by major global brands

What We Offer

Welcome to our tranporation services agency. We are the best at our trans-portation service ever.

Rastreamento de carga

Rastreador STR-600P ideal para colocação dentro da carga e auxílio na localização dos produtos removidos do caminhão.

Sistema de câmeras de monitoramento

Monitoramento de vídeo com câmera frontal e de cabine. Gravação e visualização em tempo real na plataforma.

Sistema antivandalismo com bloqueio automático

Sistema de selo eletrônico com bloqueio automático em caso de vandalismo ou remoção do equipamento.

Controle estrito sobre a forma do motorista conduzir

Monitoramento de acelerações, frenagens, curvas, RPM, pressão do turbo, banguela, torque e outros parâmetros. Redução de custos e acidentes.

Câmera de monitoramento do motorista

Câmera com sensor infravermelha e reconhecimento facial, gera alertas, fotos e vídeos para casos de sono, distração, uso de cigarro e celular.

Leitor de dados da rede CANBUS

Obtém dados de odômetro, combustível, velocidade, horímetro e outros para análise operacional de frotas. Aumento de eficiência e redução de riscos e custos.

Delivering Results for Industry Leaders

We are proud of our workforce
and have worked hard.

Fast shipping with the most
modern technology

Over the years, we have worked together to expand our network of partners to deliver reliability and consistency. We’ve also made significant strides to tightly integrate technology with our processes, giving our clients greater visibility into every engagement.

Get in touch

Proud to Deliver
Excellence Every Time

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum — semper quis lectus nulla. Interactively transform magnetic growth strategies whereas prospective "outside the box" thinking.

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The latest design trends meet hand-crafted templates.

Introducing New Features

The latest design trends meet hand-crafted templates.

How It Works

You choose the cities where you’d like to deliver. All deliveries are within a specific service area and delivery services vary by location. Whatever the mode or requirement, we will find and book the ideal expedited shipping solution to ensure a timely delivery.

What our customers are saying

Hear from our users who have saved thousands on their
Startup and SaaS solution spend.

Guy Hawkins Bank of America

Access the same project through five different dynamic views: a kanban board, Gantt chart, spreadsheet, calendar or simple task list.

For customer support
Rate: 4/ 5
Cody Fisher Bank of America

Access the same project through five different dynamic views: a kanban board, Gantt chart, spreadsheet, calendar or simple task list.

For customer support
Rate: 4/ 5
Eleanor Pena Bank of America

Access the same project through five different dynamic views: a kanban board, Gantt chart, spreadsheet, calendar or simple task list.

For customer support
Rate: 4/ 5
Guy Hawkins Bank of America

Access the same project through five different dynamic views: a kanban board, Gantt chart, spreadsheet, calendar or simple task list.

For customer support
Rate: 4/ 5
Cody Fisher Bank of America

Access the same project through five different dynamic views: a kanban board, Gantt chart, spreadsheet, calendar or simple task list.

For customer support
Rate: 4/ 5

What We Have Done

Check out some of the projects we've completed with our amazing partners

World’s Leading Companies
For Over 80 Years.

A big opportunity for your business growth. Delivering Results for Industry Leaders. We are
proud of our work for and have worked hard.


Parcels Shipped Safely


Cities Served Worldwide


Satisfied Clients


Company We Help

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Advanced features for pros who need more customization.




  • 5 -Days Shipping World Wide
  • 1 Kg Weight Max /Package
  • Free Bubble Warp
  • 24/7 Support


Advanced features for pros who need more customization.




  • 15-Days Shipping World Wide
  • 1 Kg Weight Max /Package
  • Free Bubble Warp
  • 24/7 Support


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4517 Washington Ave. Manchester, Kentucky 39495

Phone: +01-246-357 (Any time 24/7)

Email: contact@transp.eu.com

Hours: 8:00 - 17:00, Mon - Sat

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